Course Schedule

Section 1: Four Approaches to Anthropology

1/15 Welcome Introductions- The four field Approach in Anthropology

1/17 Miner, “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema.”

1/22 Zora Neale Hurston, “Hoodoo” in Mules and Men. 1-4, 183-205

1/24 Robert Root-Bernstein and Donald L. McEachron Teaching Theories: The Evolution-Creation Controversy.”  And “Darwinism” in A History of Anthropological Theory; Erickson and Murphy, 60-72.

1/29 Film: “Becoming Human: Unearthing our Earliest Ancestors.”

1/31 Quiz 1

2/5 Lewis Henry Morgan, Ancient Society, 1-12.

2/7 Guy Duetscher, “ Whorf Revisited, You are What You Speak.”

Section 2: Cultural Anthropology
2/14 Clifford Geertz, “Thick Description” and “Notes on the Balinese Cockfight.”

2/19 Margaret Mead, Coming of Age in Samoa, 1-10, 130-138

2/21 Quiz 2

2/28 Mintz, Sidney and Christine Du Bois. “The Anthropology of Food and Eating.” Annual Review of Anthropology, 2002.

3/3 Food and Culture Paper Due
3/5 E. E. Evans-Pritchard. The Nuer.

3/7 Joyce Fleukiger, Chapter 3, In Amma’s Healing Room.

3/12 Regis, Helen. “Second Lines, Minstrelsy and The Contested Landscapes of New Orleans Afro-Creole Festivals.” American Anthropologist, 1999.

3/19 Midterm

3/21 Film: Dr. Money and The Boy with No Penis

Section 3: Gender and Anthropology

3/26 Sherry Ortner, “Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture?”

3/28 Wynne Maggi, “Our Women are Free.”

4/4 Our Women Are Free

4/9  Group Presentations

4/11 Quiz 3

4/14 Ethnographic Papers Due

4/16  Sinnott, Megan J. Introduction, Chapters 4 and 5 in Toms and Dees: Transgender Identity and Female Same Sex Relationships in Thailand. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2004.

4/18 Naryan, Uma. “Cross Cultural Connections, Border Crossing, and Death By Culture. 
Lila Abu-Lughod, “Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?”

4/23 Film: Happy

4/25 Fernandez-Kelly, Patricia. For we are sold, I and My People. Albany: The State University of New York Press: 1983. Pp. 1-5, 108-143.  

4/30 Case Study: Violence against Women at the U.S.-Mexico Border

5/2 Group Presentations

5/7 Last Day of Class-Final exam review ***Life History Papers Due in Class

Final Exam Tuesday 5/14  12-2 pm
Note that time is different from our regular meeting time.