Course Syllabus

Nunez Community College
Introduction to Anthropology
Semester / Year:
Spring 2013
Arts and Humanities
Contact Information:
Instructor: Jenny Karubian
Mailbox: Arts and Humanities Department
Office hours by appointment

Course Information:
Section: 101
Number of Credits: 3
Meeting Times: Tuesday/Thursday 1-2:15
Room: 115

Introduction to study of culture and society in comparative perspective. This course will examine biocultural evolution, prehistory, language and comparative social and cultural systems. Examples from societies around world to illustrate basic principles of formation, structure, and distribution of human institutions. Of special concern is contribution and knowledge that cultural diversity makes toward understanding problems of modern world.

All texts will be available on course blog in PDF. Students are required to use the blog regularly to access readings and assignments.

·       Examine different perspectives in the study of anthropology.
·       Analyze and make critical assessments of studies of culture
·       Reach an understanding of culture and the role it plays in our own lives.
·       Hone critical writing and analytical skills
·       Become familiar with key concepts and debates within anthropology.
·       Understand how local contexts shape larger theoretical notions

Participation: This class is based on discussion. You are expected to do the readings, think about them, and actively contribute to class discussion each week. Failure to abide by course policies (texting in class, not arriving on time, not checking email, etc) will result in automatic deductions from your participation points. Failing to turn in an assignment or participate in group activities will also result in a deduction from your participation points. 

Food and Culture Paper: (550-600 words) Pick a food that is important to you and represents your culture. Think about it in terms of the articles we have read about food and describe the importance of it within your family or cultural history. You can interview family members for this paper if it will help you describe how it is relevant to your cultural life.

Ethnographic  Paper (550-600 words)
Conduct an observation at a location or event and write about it in terms of what we have learned in this class. You are expected to use a minimum of 2 readings in your paper.

If I Were An Anthropologist: (550-600 words) Imagine that you are going to be an anthropologist and do research somewhere in the world outside of the United States. Explain who you would study, why, and where. For this paper you will need to use outside sources to help support your research plan, you will also need to use at least two readings we have done in class to help explain the methods you will use.

Life History Paper: (900-1000 Words)
Write your life history from your perspective. Think about your life anthropologically and the ways in which your culture has shaped your life experience.

***If you have difficulty with writing, you will be allowed to rewrite your papers if you consult with the campus writing tutor. Rewrites will only be accepted with the signature of the tutor. Papers are required to conform to the highest standards of college level writing. Only full drafts will be allowed a chance for revision

Quizzes: There will be four short quizzes during the course of the semester. These will consist of a combination of identifications, short answer and multiple-choice questions.  

Midterm and Final: There will be two exams during the course of the semester. Exams will consist of a combination of short answer, identifications, and essay questions. 

Group Presentations:

Presentation 1: New Orleans Culture: As a group, pick a culture that has been influential in New Orleans-such as the Islenos, Italians, Irish, Spanish, French, Cajun or Vietnamese. Do research on how they have influenced New Orleans and how they preserve their culture today.

Presentation 2: Creative
During the last week of classes, each group will present a creative project based upon the course material. This can include but is not limited to skits, film projects, photography projects, etc. The goal of this project is to sum up what you have learned this term in a creative way with your group. All film projects must be edited--raw footage is unacceptable.

Extra Credit: If you have a visual representation that is relevant to course themes (art, YouTube clips, music etc) that you would like to suggest for a given week, please notify the instructor. If your suggestion is used in a class session, you will receive one extra credit point (max: 10)

***Late assignments and make-up tests/quizzes are granted only in case of DOCUMENTED emergencies. The instructor must be notified in advance if the student has an emergency that will require the make-up of quizzes, tests, or papers.

Grading Matrix
Quizzes 20%
Papers 15%
Group Projects 10%
Midterm 20%
Final 25%
Participation 10%
100 – 90 = A    89 – 80 = B   79 – 70 = C   69 – 60 = D   59 – Below = F

Since our class is discussion based, everyone is expected to attend, arrive on time, and participate in the discussions. You should be at all times respectful of one another’s positions and opinions and be attentive to the balance of conversation so that everyone has ample opportunity to speak. I will facilitate the discussion in a manner that accomplishes this. I encourage you to offer provisional comments, questions, and positions in order to create dynamic discussions in which we influence one another’s ideas and opinions. Although personal and subjective responses to the issues and questions the course raises are welcome, we should use personal experiences and opinions as a way to critically examine the issues the readings raise.

You are allowed two unexcused absences that do not affect your grade. Undocumented absences will affect your grade negatively. Documented excuses for absences are medical documentation (medical note, clinic record, or prescription medicine), counselor’s letter, legal document, etc. If you will be missing class after your first two absences, I expect you to contact me via email prior to the time of our class session.

Students should read the policy on attendance in the Nunez Community College Catalog.  Attendance will be checked each class, and the instructor may drop a student for excessive unexcused absences prior to the official last day to drop a course.  If the instructor drops a student from the roster before the last drop date, the student will receive a “W” grade.  If absences occur and/or accumulate after the last day to officially withdraw, the student will fail the course.  Excessive absences usually equal more than two weeks of class time.  Students who arrive late to class must see the instructor after the class to have that absence removed.  Students who leave class early will be counted absent for that class.

Schedule of Absences

1-2 Absences No grade Deduction
3-4 Absences half letter grade deduction (from overall grade, not only participation)
5 Absences Full Letter Grade Deduction
6 Absences Student will be dropped from the course
***Any session that is partially missed due to late arrival will count as ½ of an absence.

Classroom Etiquette
Cell phones are not to be used in class for any reason at all whatsoever.
This includes photographing the board instead of taking notes, texting, social media, clock functions, etc. Students who violate this course policy will receive a grade deduction of all participation points (10% of overall grade).

Students are expected to act in a professional manner that makes a positive contribution to the learning environment and respects the needs of their fellow students and the instructor.  Students who create disturbances to the learning environment (e.g., late arrival, inappropriate talking, use of electronic devices) may be warned, asked to leave class, and/or referred to the College Counselor or Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs or designee for guidance or for disciplinary action, depending on the frequency or severity of the disturbance.  Entering and leaving the classroom during class time is a distraction to other students and the instructor.  A student’s need or desire to be in contact with the outside world through electronic devices does not override basic classroom etiquette, and the use of these devices is a disturbance to the learning environment.

·       No side conversations or excessive chatter while class is in session.
·       Come prepared. This means read all materials assigned for the class session. Instructor reserves the right to call upon students at random to discuss the material.

Plagiarism And Cheating
Anyone who plagiarizes will receive an automatic fail in the course and be referred to the Vice Chancellor for disciplinary action.

Cheating and plagiarizing are serious academic offenses.  Webster defines plagiarism as the act of “taking and using as one’s own the ideas or writings of another.”  Depending on the frequency or severity of a student’s academic dishonesty, the instructor may lower the student’s grade, deny credit for an exam or paper when there is evidence of cheating or plagiarizing, or recommend the student to the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs for disciplinary action.

Americans With Disabilities Act
It is the policy of Nunez Community College to accommodate students with disabilities, in accordance with federal law, state law, and the College’s commitment to equal educational opportunities.  Any student with a disability who needs accommodations should contact Michele Minor, Disabilities Coordinator, in the Student Affairs Office.

Student Support Services
Tommie Powell III serves as the College’s Counselor and is available for academic and personal counseling as well as transfer advising.  Michele Minor serves as the Career Services Coordinator and Disabilities Coordinator.  The College has full-time Learning Specialists available for tutoring and guidance in Mathematics and in English and Developmental Reading.  Students with questions about Nunez online courses may contact Nora Mainville, Executive Secretary for Academic Affairs, or Professor Ron Chapman, Online Coordinator.  The Student Success Center on the first floor of the Library provides quiet space with 20 computers available for course-related activities only.

Top Ten Ways to Succeed in this Class

  1. Check your email! All pertinent announcements will be sent over email. Class cancellations, changes to the schedule, grades and other time sensitive information are emailed directly to the students.

  1. The Buddy System: Students should exchange contact information with at least 2 other students in class. Phone numbers, email, Facebook, etc. are great ways to stay wired in and on top of what is going on in class.

  1. If you are going to miss a class follow these steps: 1) email the instructor 2) contact your classmates for notes and announcements 3) stay on track for the next session.

  1. Take notes: This is a discussion and lecture based class. A large portion of information that will appear in tests and quizzes will be announced in class but not in the readings. Make sure to take notes often. DO not use your phone to take pictures of the board instead of taking notes.

  1. Use Microsoft Word to compose all written assignments. The spelling and grammar check functions that are very useful to students are not as advanced with other word processing programs (eg. Works).

  1. Edit your papers before you turn them in. All writing errors lead to point deductions. If you have difficulties with writing, allow yourself plenty of time to work on assignments. Make appointments to see the instructor or campus writing tutor outside of classroom hours if you need extra help.

  1. Read the syllabus prior to contacting the instructor for questions. Most of the information you need (schedule of readings and assignments, etc) is in the syllabus.

  1. Do the assigned reading before you come to class and be prepared to discuss the reading with your group and the class.

  1. Turn in extra credit assignments (YouTube clips and other forms of media) prior to the class meeting that your examples pertain to.

  1. Use dictionaries and reference materials as you read course materials. There are a number of websites and smart phone applications to assist you with your reading.

Section 1: Four Approaches to Anthropology

1/15 Welcome Introductions- The four field Approach in Anthropology

1/17 Miner, “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema.”

1/22 Zora Neale Hurston, “Hoodoo” in Mules and Men. 1-4, 183-205

1/24 Robert Root-Bernstein and Donald L. McEachron Teaching Theories: The Evolution-Creation Controversy.”  And “Darwinism” in A History of Anthropological Theory; Erickson and Murphy, 60-72.

1/29 Film: “Becoming Human: Unearthing our Earliest Ancestors.”

1/31 Quiz 1

2/5 Lewis Henry Morgan, Ancient Society, 1-12.

2/7 Guy Duetscher, “ Whorf Revisited, You are What You Speak.”

Section 2: Cultural Anthropology
2/14 Clifford Geertz, “Thick Description” and “Notes on the Balinese Cockfight.”

2/19 Margaret Mead, Coming of Age in Samoa, 1-10, 130-138

2/21 Quiz 2

2/28 Mintz, Sidney and Christine Du Bois. “The Anthropology of Food and Eating.” Annual Review of Anthropology, 2002.

3/3 Food and Culture Paper Due
3/5 E. E. Evans-Pritchard. The Nuer.

3/7 Joyce Fleukiger, Chapter 3, In Amma’s Healing Room.

3/12 Regis, Helen. “Second Lines, Minstrelsy and The Contested Landscapes of New Orleans Afro-Creole Festivals.” American Anthropologist, 1999.

3/19 Midterm

3/21 Group Presentations

Section 3: Gender and Anthropology

3/26 Sherry Ortner, “Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture?”

3/28 Wynne Maggi, “Our Women are Free.”

4/4 Film: Dr. Money and The Boy with No Penis

4/9 Quiz 3

4/11 Sinnott, Megan J. Introduction, Chapters 4 & 5 in Toms and Dees: Transgender Identity and Female Same Sex Relationships in Thailand. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2004.

4/14 Ethnographic Papers Due

4/16 Lila Abu-Lughod, “Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?”

4/18 Naryan, Uma. “Cross Cultural Connections, Border Crossing, and Death By Culture.

4/23 Quiz 4

4/25 Fernandez-Kelly, Patricia. For we are sold, I and My People. Albany: The State University of New York Press: 1983. Pp. 1-5, 108-143.  

4/30 Case Study: Violence against Women at the U.S.-Mexico Border

5/2 Group Presentations

5/7 Last Day of Class-Final exam review ***Life History Papers Due in Class

Final Exam Tuesday 5/14  12-2 pm
Note that time is different from our regular meeting time.