Friday, February 22, 2013

Quiz 2 Study Guide

Anthropology Quiz 2 Study Guide
Margaret Mead
·        Mead’s Central Question: “Are the disturbances which vex our adolescents due to the nature of adolescence itself or to the civilization? Under different conditions does adolescence present a different picture?” (page 6)
·        Cultural Particularism
·        Nature vs. Nurture
·        Sexual Repression
·        Teenage Angst
·        Tabula rasa
·        Monocultural
·        Pluralistic
Morgan: Cultural Evolution
i.                 Savagery
a.    Fishing, Stone tools, subsistence, use of fire, pottery, basic weapons
ii.                Barbarism
a.    Use of writing, pastoralism, horticulture, dwellings, metal work
iii.              Civilization
a.    Formalized written language and record keeping, rise of private property, inheritance, development of the state, organized religion
b.    Suppression of women/male dominance
The Functions of the family:
·       Socialization
·       Support network
·       Ensures Survival
·       Organizes Sexuality
·       Shares resources
·       Shared Substance
Types of families:
·       Nuclear family
·       Extended family
·       Blended family
·       Chosen family
Kinship terms:
·       Consanguine
·       Affinal Ties
·       Kinship
·       Descendents
·       Matrilineal, Matriarchal, Matrilocal, Matrifocal
·       Patrilineal, Patriarchal, Patrilocal, Patrifocal
·       Incest Taboo
·       Adaptation/procreation/reproduction
·        Language: System of communication governed by rules, resulting in meanings that are shared by all who speak the same language.
·        Linguistics: Descriptive, Historical, Cultural
·        Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis/Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis: Language determines reality.
·        Code switching: Changing from one mode of language to another.
·        Ethnolinguistics: studies the relationship between language and culture, and the way different ethnic groups perceive the world.
·        Socialization and Enculturation
·        Paralanguage: Focuses on how pitch, tone and emotion convey meaning in addition to words.
·        Dialect
·        Gendered Speech
·        Language family
·        Linguistic divergence
·        Phonemes: Smallest unit of sound that makes a difference in meaning.
·        Morphology: Patterns in language
·        Non-Verbal Communication
·        Kinesics: body language
·        Symbols: Signs that are arbitrary links to something else that represent them in a meaningful way.
·        Sociolinguistics: How language/speech styles are influenced by age, gender, ethnicity, class
·        Culture
o   Geertz: Symbols and meanings
o   E.B Tylor: Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.
·        Subjective/objective
·        Symbols
·        Meanings
o   “Man is an animal suspended in webs of significance that he himself has spun, I take culture to be those webs, and the analysis of it to be therefore not an experimental science in search of law but an interpretative one in search of meaning.”
o   Culture is public because meaning is.
·        Thick description
·        Codes
·        Socialization
·        Gender socialization
·        Social construction of reality: persons and groups interacting in a social system create, over time, concepts or mental representations of each other's actions, and that these concepts eventually become habituated into reciprocal roles played by the actors in relation to each other.
·        Culture as enacted text
·        Discourse: Social communication, not limited to speaking and writing, which gives life to ideas and makes them realities. Discourse creates subjects and is shaped by power. 

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